Top Apps in 2012 for the Paleo Diet
Do you have an iPhone, Droid, Blackberry or other smart phone? I don’t. I can’t even check email on my phone. I guess this is one reason why I would be the last person in this world to write this post. This is why when Melanie contacted me via email about publishing this article on my blog I agreed. Let us know in the comment section what primal/paleo apps you use!
I’ll let her take it from here!
6 pieces of technology to satisfy your inner caveman
The Caveman Diet, also called the Paleo Diet, focuses on the theory that to attain optimal fitness, we should be looking to our ancestors and eat what the cavemen did. It’s true; as far as processed, sugar-laden foods, and fast food menus—cavemen had none of it. Instead, the Paleo Diet focuses on mostly lean meats, certain vegetables, and nuts for added muscle-building protein.
Members of the CrossFit exercise program adhere to the Paleo Diet in order to first, shed unwanted pounds, and second, to enhance muscular physique. CrossFit is a grueling exercise program that requires a serious nutrition plan, like Paleo, to fuel workouts.
Because we have a lot more on the go than our cavemen ancestors (no offense to the innovation of the wheel), present day Paleo Diet aficionados are able to turn to a variety of iPhone, BlackBerry, and Android apps downloaded on T-Mobile HTC Phones, and any other mobile devices, to keep your inner caveman happy…
1. Paleo Diet Recipes: A Cookbook for a Modern Paleolithic Diet ($3.99 – for iPhone)
A current day caveman diet follows many of the principals set forth by the Gluten Free Diet, the Dairy Free, and the Soy Free Diet (what proper caveman eats soy anyhow?). This means your diet will consist of mainly fresh lean meats, such as chicken, turkey, and fish, poultry, as well as certain fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts, and seasoned with only natural herbs and from-the-earth spices. Many find it hard to abstain from grains, dairy, salt, refined sugar, and processed foods for the first few months. That’s where the Paleo Diet Recipes app comes in. Chalked full of delicious and nutritious recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, plus, you’ll find a smorgasbord of dessert, salad, and snack ideas as well.
2. Paleo Caveman Diet ($2.99 – for iPhone)
Body builders and athletes alike love the Paleo Diet because it helps burn body fat while building body muscle. Who can argue with hundreds of thousands of years of evolution of the human species? Just in case you get stuck, the Paleo Caveman Diet app offers a concise guide on what foods you can and can’t eat, but better than that, it explains why your body requires certain foods over others. This app also features a Weight Tracker tool that helps track body weight and daily meals via a daily food journal. And you’ll also have the support of thousands of fresh recipe ideas, a 24-7 discussion forum of other Paleo dieters, and a handy food planner that will keep you kosher with your hunter-gatherer ancestors.
3. Xercise ($3.99 – for BlackBerry)
Since many Paleo Dieters are also CrossFit exercise enthusiasts, why not download this BlackBerry app that will connect you to hundreds of demo videos for the most effective CrossFit exercises? Not only that, the Xercise app functions as a workout log that tracks your maximum lifting effort and personal records on speed and number of repetitions, a workout timer, as well as a tool that can export your workout logs from XML to your BlackBerry smart phone.
4. Workout Timer (Free – for BlackBerry)
Want a real challenge for your CrossFit workouts? Download this configurable count-down workout interval timer to help you improve the speed of your CrossFit Endurance, Navy Seals, and Special Tactics workouts. Keeping track when you’re sweaty, this timer comes preloaded with a Tabata workout that you can customize to your own time, rest, and repeat preferences.
5. Paleo Diet Shopping List ($2.00 – for Android)
When you first start a new diet, grocery shopping can be really confusing. The Paleo DietShopping List app takes the guess work out of grocery shopping and keeps you on track with your caveman ways. Just download the app and you’ll have instant access to a shopping list that includes every item you can eat via an easy-t0- use, customizable grocery shopping list.
6. PaleoGoGo ($4.00 – for Android)
Sometimes eating out is totally unavoidable even for cavemen. The PaleoGoGo app was created, providing instant access to over 2,000 caveman-approved meal options at over 300+ familiar U.S. restaurant chains. When eating out can’t be helped, you can count on PaleoGoGo to help you stay on track when you’re traveling, eating out with family and friends, or dining out for special occasions. Take the guesswork out of eating out with PaleoGoGo’s breakfast, lunch, and dinner options on the go. Plus, you can create a list of favorite restaurant items so you’re never caught in a primal pinch again.
Author bio: Melanie Gray is a writer for Andgeeks, a popular site that provides Android news, commentary, reviews and beginner Android tips for Droid newbies.
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